Yonderlea Farm
Goats are social animals and need to be kept in pairs (at very minimum) They seem to be most content when there are at least 3-5
They need proper and safe fencing to keep them in and predators out
They require adequate shelter from the elements
– large enough for all to get under cover
– cleaned on regular basis
– out of wind, rain and sun
– good ventilation, but not overly breezy
They need to have access to forage or browse and/or good grass hay
all the time, in addition to fresh clean water
Grain is okay in small amounts or as needed for life stage, however wethers and bucks do not need any grain except for special circumstances and wethers especially are prone to urinary stones that can be extremely painful and even result in death
They need to have a goat specific mineral/salt offered free choice
goats need copper, which is poisonous to sheep
They need hoof care(trimmings) on a regular basis/as needed to maintain proper foot health Depending on the goat, time of year and ground type this could be once a month or every other month
They need to have internal and external parasites managed
preform regular visual checks for external
have fecals run on recommended schedule or if a problem is suspected (weight loss, diarrhea, coughing, generally un-thrifty appearance, etc.)
and then treatment as directed by your veterinarian when needed
We highly recommend having a good relationship with a goat knowledgeable veterinarian and recommend
Dr Ben Wustenberg of Veterinarian Services of Oregon if you don't already have a vet.
Vaccines (usually CD&T annually) and any blood testing - please follow the guidelines of your vet
A thermometer is a great item to always have on hand for your goats! If you suspect your goat is not feeling well- get a temp!
Goat Basics
Links to useful goat Information
Helpful Books
Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats
Lifespan : 8-12 years
(although I've had one live to nearly 17 years old)
Normal Temperature
Adults: 100.5-103.5*F Kids: 102-104*F
Normal Pulse (beats/minute)
Adults:70-90 Kids: 90-150
Normal Respiration (breaths/minute)
Adults: 15-30 Kids: 20-40